Algomi connects fixed income professionals, empowering them to make better trading relationships, in the ever-changing landscape of capital, leverage and liquidity requirements. By harnessing the relationships between Fixed Income salespeople, traders and their clients, the Algomi Honeycomb suite of scalable software greatly increases the opportunities and velocity in large and illiquid voice trades between banks and buy side investors. For banks, Algomi creates a real time internal sales and trading network using their own data to identify the best trade opportunities and enables real-time collaborations between sales, traders and investors. This delivers more effective execution of less liquid bonds and integrates with Algomi Honeycomb. For investor firms, Algomi Honeycomb becomes their eyes and ears on the world's trading floors. Providing the data and market insight vital to select the right dealers and the right timing of the trade to ensure maximum likelihood of execution. The investor is able to deal in size, achieve Best Execution, and remain discrete in the market while banks get to use their large distribution network. Execution is voice based between investor and bank, as is appropriate for large sensitive trades. Algomi was founded in 2012 by Stu Taylor (Former Global Head of Matched Principal Trading and creator of PIN-FI at UBS), Usman Khan and Robert Howes (Founders of CAPXD). Michael Schmidt (Former Head of European Credit Trading and IB Board Member at UBS) joined as Chairman in 2013. Algomi is backed by investment from Lakestar, and an exceptional panel of Strategic Advisors. Algomi has over 90 employees with offices in London and New York.